Thursday, July 14, 2011

What is the fastest first-year growing bamboo with highest yield?

In our nursery in Florida, we grow or have grown several varieties of bamboo. The preferred has been one of the the Multiplex species due to relative speed and ease to produce. With the Moso and other tall timber bamboo, the height of your ceiling won't limit their growth. They will keep going, even curling and coiling as they hit the ceiling. I would be looking for one of the Multiplexes. Perhaps Fernleaf, Alphonse Karr, Golden Goddess or Silver Stripe. You can go to one of the trade magazines (online) that we use to source some of the growers of various plants at and search for Bambusa in the green goods search. It will pull up a list of various bamboo and some growers. Some phone calls to them may get your answer. At my nursery it is just the Fernleaf and Hedge Bamboo in production. Dig up a little of the field grown stock bamboo and stick it in a container. With some water, fertilizer and weed control, a full 6-8' bamboo is produced in a 15 gallon container in as little as 18 months. Canes are smaller, typically less than an inch, but it is a good bamboo. The other species mentioned above get bigger canes over an inch. Oldhamii is the giant bamboo we used to grow (canes 4-6" and fast) but it was to fast and quickly became difficult to care for if there were not buyers. If you can find someone that has bamboo, of any kind, see if they will let cut/dig some of it out and start your own.

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