Monday, July 18, 2011

What would be a good small pet for me?

I have had rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, and rats. I used to have a lot of rabbits but found homes for all except one because they are a lot of work, but I do love my little Holland Lop ''Bucky.'' He is the sweetest rabbit ever and he follows me round the yard and lies with me in the shade. I think me an him have the strongest bond out of all my pets. Since he isn't neutered (he is 5 years old now and I was worried he would be too old) he sometimes has his ''moments'' which is bothersome but understandable and I never get mad at him but my next rabbit I will get younger and have neutered. I have a guinea pig named Panda and I know they need company so I have been trying to find a single female guinea pig that I can adopt in Eugene, OR without much success. I love Panda and I like to hold her and give her veggies on my lap. I love her soft squeaks (and LOUD squeaks) and she is cute. However she will not get any exercise unless motivated by veggies, so I have to give her veggies to her by spreading them all over her giant pen so she has to run around and get them. So I love holding her and watching her but sometimes it is hard to tell if she enjoys being held and petted or not. I adopted 2 rats from my local humane society. I love them dearly, but they are females and pretty active. They aren't as interested as being rubbed/scratched or held as some of my other females have been. However they ares still cute and fun and they love coming up and getting treats during play time, I just wish they were a little more snuggly/affectionate. So after reading all that in the future what would be good pets for me? I like pets that are openly affectionate and show their love for you similar to a dog. I am thinking of only having 1 or 2 animals from now on so care/cleaning ect. doesn't seem like too much and so that I don't have to worry as much about a pet being too much work because I won't have so many. I was thinking maybe male rats? Any other suggestions are helpful and you can provide care information as well.

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